Collaboration |
Prof. Dr. Bruno Horst
University of Appl. Sc. Merseburg
- Mobile Market Research
- Virtual 3D-Image CBC
Prof. Dr. Sven Pagel
Communication Research
University of Appl. Sc. Düsseldorf
- Website Eye-Tracking
- Integrated Moving Images |
Projecter GmbH
- Online Marketing |
Schroeder + Wendt GbR
-Webdesign Research
- Website Eye-Tracking |
Applied Reseach |
British Telecom
- Auktionsdesign |
T-Mobile GmbH
- Auktionsdesign
- Auktionstraining |
Applied Theses |
Bayer AG |
Berliner Flughafen
Gesellschaft mbH |
Covisint |
Delticom AG |
EMP Merchandising HGmbH |
Ericsson GmbH |
Finanzverwaltung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt |
Industrie- und Handelskammer Magdeburg |
Jes CapitalConcept |
Playboy |
schalk&friends agentur für neue medien gmbh |
Städtischen Werken Magdeburg |
SupplyOn |
T- Mobile GmbH |
Universitätsbuchhandlung Otto von Guericke |
VWGroupSupply |
ZMM Zeitmanager München GmbH |
Kangaroo Seminars |
During this seminar students work together with small and medium-sized companies located in Saxony-Anhalt. To take up the perspective of the cooperating firm, students find themselves as a joey in a kangaroo's pouch. Every kangaroo team analyses its firm's market situation and designs a tailored online marketing concept which will be implemented by a professional provider for online marketing solutions after the seminar. |
Cooperating firms in ST 10 |
ER+TE Stahl- und Metallbau GmbH |
KD-Elektroniksysteme GmbH |
Konstruktiver Glas- und Metallbau Zerbst GmbH |
Landesweingut Kloster Pforta GmbH |
Vetter Touristik Reiseverkehrsgesellschaft mbH |
Cooperating firms in WT 09/10 |
Euroglas GmbH |
Fehr Umwelt Ost GmbH |
Mewes & Götzl Wägetechnik GmbH |
Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH |
Steinke Orthopädie-Center GmbH |
Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum |
Vetter Büro + Objekt GmbH |
Cooperating firms in ST 09 |
Brandschutz-Service Uwe Schlichtiger |
KS wet2 technology AG |
Ostprodukte-Versand |
Paritätische Integral gGmbH |
Cooperating firms in WT 08/09 |
BIO Mitteldeutschland GmbH |
Carbonit Filtertechnik GmbH |
Die p. A. -
Die private Arbeitsvermittlung & Personalleasing GmbH |
Gollmann Kommissioniersysteme |
Tiedge GmbH |
Companies' and students' statements of the seminars |