Dipl.-Kff. Marina Schröder

Dipl.-Kff. Marina Schröder
Lehrstuhl BWL, insb. E-Business
- Destruktives Verhalten
- Antisoziales Verhalten
- Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
- Industrieökonomik
- Multi-Channel Distribution
- 2012 Research Grant of the IFP (Institute for Fraud Prevention) link
- Aug-Oct 2009 - Honorary Appointment at the University of Exeter
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
- Does Monitoring Work? A Field Experiment with Multiple Forms of Counterproductive Behaviour (mit Michèle Belot) - Arbeitspapier.
- Sloppy Work, Lies and Theft: A Novel Experimental Design to Study Counterproductive Behaviour (mit Michèle Belot). Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (Link) - Arbeitspapier.
- The Desire to Influence Others (mit Abdolkarim Sadrieh) - Arbeitspapier.
- Behavioral Correlates of Poverty, Lack of Prospects, and Vandalism (mit Abdolkarim Sadrieh).
- Competition in Supply Chains with endogenous channel entries and exits (mit Daniel Cracau und Sascha Füllbrunn).
- Does Monitoring Work? A Field Experiment with Multiple Forms of Counterproductive Behaviour (mit Michèle Belot).
Konferenzen & Workshops
- 2012 - ESA European-Meeting in Köln - Concurrence of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Preferences
- 2012 - ESA World-Meeting in New York
Presentation: Counterproductive Work Behavior - An Experimental Study - 2012 -Deception, Incentives and Behavior Symposium in San Diego
Presented Project: Counterproductive Work Behavior - An Experimental Study - 2012 - M-WASEB (Magdeburg Workshop on Anti-Social Economic Behavior)
Organization & Presentation: The Dark Side of Other-Regarding Preferences: Positive Correlation of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior - 2011 - Jahrestagung der GfeW in Nürnberg
Vortrag: The Dark Side of Other-Regarding Preferences: Positive Correlation of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior - 2011 - European ESA Conference in Luxembourg Presentation: The Dark Side of Other-Regarding Preferences: Positive Correlation of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior
- 2011 - ESA World-Meeting in Chicago
Presentation: The Dark Side of Other-Regarding Preferences: Positive Correlation of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior
(conference travel grantn by the Germa academic exchange Service (DAAD)) - 2010 - North American ESA Conference in Tucson Presentation: Behavioral Correlates of Poverty, Lack of Prospects, and Vandalism
- 2010 - ESA World-Meeting in Copenhagen
Presentation: Behavioral Correlates of Poverty, Inequality, Lack of Prospects, and Vandalism
(conference travel grant by the German academic exchange Service (DAAD)) - 2009 - CESS Summer School in Experimental Economics in Oxford
Sommersemester 2012
Vorlesung: Struktur und Design elektronischer Märkte
Übung: Struktur und Design elektronischer Märkte
Seminar: Bachelorabschluss
Seminar: Master Thesis with Research Seminar
Wintersemester 2011/2012
Übung: Unternehmensinteraktion
Übung: Academic Skills
Seminar: Bachelorabschluss
Seminar: Frauen in der Wirtschaft
Seminar: Master Thesis with Research Seminar
Sommersemester 2011
Übung: Struktur und Design elektronischer Märkte
Übung: Academic Skills
Seminar: Bachelorabschluss
Seminar: Models of Social and Antisocial Motivation (englischsprachig)
Wintersemester 2010/2011
Übung: Unternehmensinteraktion
Übung: Academic Skills
Seminar: Bachelorabschluss
Seminar: New Media Market Communication (englischsprachig)
Sommersemester 2010
Übung: Struktur und Design elektronischer Märkte
Übung: Marktkommunikation
Seminar: Werbewirkungsforschung
Wintersemester 2009/2010
Übung: Einführung in E-Business und Marktdesign
Übung: Unternehmensinteraktion
Seminar: Economic behavior in virtual worlds (englischsprachig)