Bachelor Thesis with Research Seminar

Attention: We will send current information to your student e-mail address.

Confirmations for places in the Bachelor final seminar will be sent by e-mail in due time according to the schedule of the Dean of Studies Office.

Cancellations will not be sent due to the high number of applicants.


A convincing letter of motivation ideally includes a topic proposal. This considers the following points: Why does it make sense from an economic point of view to work on the topic? Which question(s) should be answered? Which method (e.g. data collection/questionnaire survey) should be used? Your topic can be from the field of e-business, but it does not have to be. For examples on topics and a motivation letter, please read here.

Please note that we do not supervise literature-only theses. If you write your bachelor thesis at the Chair of E-Business, you will usually conduct a data collection and independently analyze your resulting data using statistical tests.


Please refer to the information provided by the Office of the Dean of Studies regarding the application process. The date for the kick-off meeting is yet to be announced.

The date of the interim presentations is still to be determined. All participants in the final seminar are required to attend this meeting. Please prepare a 10-minute presentation (PDF) based on the structure of your bachelor's thesis, presenting the results you have collected so far. Please also present the parts of the thesis that you still need to work on and clarify the procedure you plan to follow for this. Please send your presentation in advance to your supervisor. Laptop, beamer and pointer will be provided. If you need further technical aids, please let us know in time.


  • applied industrial economics
  • online/offline marketing
  • market design
  • eCommerce
  • game theory
  • behavioral economics
  • Information economics
  • Personnel economics
  • Social preferences

Your own concrete suggestions for topics are explicitly welcome. The topics are a selection. You are also welcome to work on other topics.  


Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster